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Communing With Second Lifers at the Convention

Posted in GETV Episode by ekai on the August 30th, 2006

We caught up with Philip Rosedale aka Philip Linden, the man that birthed the massively multi-player experience known as Second Life, at the second annual Second Life Community Convention in San Francisco. GETV’s Irina Slutsky gets some insight from Philip on what makes Second Life so compelling that people will give up their first life to join in. Few people live Second Life like Eric RIce aka Spin Martin, who gives Irina a peak into his world. Also, Varna McLean shows us around her pocket park.

Episode links: Philip Rosedale, Linden Lab, Second Life, SLCC, Eric Rice, Spin Martin, boating1, boating2, tight pants, love hurts

Virtually Embedded with James aka Hamlet Au

Posted in GETV Episode by ekai on the July 6th, 2006

Second Life is a vibrant exploding universe onto itself. It has a thriving economy, a creative workforce, islands of virtual terrain to explore, build upon and events at all times of the day. It takes an embedded journalist to bring these virtual realities to the lowly first world. GETV’s Irina Slutsky gets a first life interview with former Linden Lab’er Wagner James Au, currently an embedded journalist in Second Life who writes New World Notes. Find out how in-game citizens get fancy threads and make phat Lindens, also discover the secret double lives some gamers lead.

Episode links: James Wagner Au, New World Notes, Second Life, Linden Lab, furry, robots, Catherine Omega, Snakekiss Noir