Wish List
Hey, if you like what we’re doing here maybe you could help us out? GETV is a project of passion which we love doing. We’d love doing it even more if we had few of these things to help us keep it fresh and regular. Who doesn’t love fresh and regular?
- Blank DV tapes
A tripod (that’s 3 legs)iLife ’06- External firewire hard drives (200GB+ would rule)
- Mini-DV camera with mic input jack (to borrow occasionally)
- 17″ or bigger LCD monitor
- Shotgun microphone
If you can hook us up with anything, drop us a line. We’ll publicly give you mad props and make you a webstar!
3 Responses to 'Wish List'
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on April 10th, 2006 at 6:54 am
Hey there folks:
Clicked on your wish list out of curiosity. . . interesting approach! Anyway, here’s what I can offer — If you need an event covered in the D.C. area, I’ll shoot and cut and we can cross post the vids.
You can check out my work at http://www.hoppervideo.net
Also, speaking of being internet famous once — here is my boingboing link — http://www.boingboing.net/2006/03/28/excellent_video_of_e.html
on June 28th, 2006 at 9:58 am
How about Gary Brolsma? New Numa =)
on June 22nd, 2008 at 9:19 pm
Is this list still up to date?