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More Cocktail Robot Madness from Roboexotica 2006

Posted in GETV Episode by ekai on the December 13th, 2006

GETV found its way to Vienna, Austria for the 8th annual Roboexotica cocktail robot festival, conference and awards show organized by the snarky drunkards at monochrom and SHIFZ. Violet Blue interviews some more creators of amazing cocktail bots.

Episode links: Roboexotica, Violet Blue, monochrom, SHIFZ, Jonathan Moore (External Combustion Engine), Gordan Savicic & Leo Peschta (WERP-Bot), Anika Kronberger & Daniel Fabry (Digit Colada & Cheers), David Calkins (Chapek & Tyler’s WaiterBot)

Roboexotica 2006 in Vienna

Posted in GETV Episode by ekai on the December 10th, 2006

GETV found its way to Vienna, Austria for the 8th annual Roboexotica cocktail robot festival, conference and awards show organized by the snarky drunkards at monochrom and SHIFZ. Here is a sampling of a few drink faciliating machines.

— Additional Roboexotica Video Footage —

Episode links: Roboexotica, Violet Blue, monochrom, SHIFZ, Bureau of Philosophy, Chris Veigl (CockBot1), Roswitha Weingrill (Eiswürfelmörder), Simone Davalos (El Espanol Buraccho), Team Katapult / Team Murmelbahn (Leichtbekömmlichvorgekaut / digestablepremasticated)

Roboexotica 2006: Clips

Posted in GETV Episode by ekai on the December 9th, 2006

Jonathan & David's drinkbot

Roboexotica, the festival for cocktail robots, is taking place in Vienna, Austria right. We are there covering the madness and are in the process of producing a couple of juicy segments for you. Until then, wet your appetite with these clips of five bots on display hosted by the almost voiceless Johannes Grenzfurthner of monochrom.

1: Chapek & Tyler’s WaiterBot

2: WERP-Bot (aka CigFlipper)

3: External Combustion Engine

4: El Espanol Barracho

5: Distillo (aka Spectacular Failure)

6: Vino-Viper

Exotic Cocktail Robots and Vienna Sausages with monochrom

Posted in GETV Episode by ekai on the September 6th, 2006

While recently in New York City for HOPE2006, we caught up with Johannes, the main instigator of the Austrian based art-technology-philosophy group called monochrom. Johannes explains Roboexotica, an annual competition and expo for robots that serve cocktails to humans. Is this all a sausage party or is there real meat behind all this? Come find out.

Episode links: monochrom, Roboexotica, HOPE6, Cocktailbot1, Cocktailbot2, Cocktailbot3, Cigbot, Sausage Party, Let’s Network It Out

Jake Gets RoboExotic in Vienna

Posted in GETV Episode by ekai on the November 20th, 2005

Irina takes Jacob Appelbaum aside at the recent Laughing Squid party to probe him on his roboerotic ways.