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Yuri’s Night at NASA

Posted in GETV Episode by ekai on the April 18th, 2007

NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California opened up her vast hangar to celebrate the anniversary of the first man in space, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin in 1961. Oh what a long way we’ve come since the Cold War. This night was a mix of space geeks, Burning Man freaks and tons of fun.

Episode links: Yuri’s Night, NASA Ames, The Straggler [C.M.PUTER] (buy)

One Response to 'Yuri’s Night at NASA'

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  1. cisc said,

    on April 19th, 2007 at 10:54 pm

    It’s nice to see our guvnint throw us a real party once in a while. The thing on the rose sounds very cool. I actually thought Yuri Gagarin was still alive for a moment. That was awesome to hear a real Soviet (a Moscovite at that) say “Yuri Gargarin”. The Soviets sent the first woman in space: Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova. The also sent the first dog in space- Laika. Space cooperation iz nice.