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Air Sex Championships

Posted in GETV Episode by ekai on the November 23rd, 2009

We imagine that many of you, our esteemed viewers, have stood in front of a mirror and played air guitar until your fingers bled. San Francisco’s own Veronica Belmont is an air guitar champion. So it’s only natural that the Air Championship gods create a more (or less) challenging category of Air Sex! Air Sex Championships? Yes!

It all started in Japan, where drunk lonely guys decided to entertain themselves by making love to imaginary partners while clothed and listening to music. The activity took off in more ways than one, with championships held in more than one country. And just try NOT to search for “Peer Pressure” on YouTube. A certain ottoman gets extremely lucky.

Here is GETV’s expose of the Air Sex Championships as they passed through our fair city. The sweat, the drama, the athleticism. Enjoy.

Episode links: Air Sex World Championships, Air Sex Comes to SF, Veronica Belmont on Air Guitar

4 Responses to 'Air Sex Championships'

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  1. dj adelaide said,

    on November 23rd, 2009 at 5:29 pm

    lol those outfits are outrageous!

  2. chlop said,

    on November 24th, 2009 at 5:01 am

    Great episode!

  3. cheeky_geeky said,

    on November 29th, 2009 at 5:50 am

    Will Veronica be participating in the Air Sex championships, too? If so, where can I purchase tickets? 😉

  4. on November 29th, 2009 at 9:03 pm

    […] Here’s some video of the Air Sex World championships. It’s both odd and probably not safe for work. And it has […]