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Is It Possible to Love a Horse Too Much?

Posted in GETV Episode by ekai on the March 2nd, 2009

After watching the movie ZOO during one night of insomnia, Irina decided that a Boeing geek who worked on black ops, built guided missile systems and ended up dying of horse intercourse could be a good topic for an episode. ZOO is about Kenneth Pinyan, a Boeing engineer who died “due to acute peritonitis [that resulted from the] perforation of the sigmoid colon during anal intercourse with a horse.”

Since that guy is dead, GETV interviewed Charles Mudede, the man who researched the heck out of the topic and wrote a movie about him. Mudede a journalist for one of America’s best alternative newsweeklies, The Stranger in Seattle, said something we already know…. “that without the internet, this [horse sex] community would not exist. The combination of a leading technology of our day and an ancient – if dark – practice would not exist.” But really, what the movie tells us is that we are all weird and searching for something, some kind of connection. Not all of us have to fuck a horse to find it, but don’t be so quick to judge. Know what I mean?

Episode links: ZOO, Charles Mudede, Kenneth Pinyan, The Stranger

2 Responses to 'Is It Possible to Love a Horse Too Much?'

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  1. on March 6th, 2009 at 6:08 pm

    Maureen and I are just horsing around, at this moment. (She made me write that).

  2. on March 10th, 2009 at 12:16 am

    Horse riding: you're doing it wrong.