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Hip Hop Chess Kids

Posted in GETV Episode by ekai on the December 9th, 2008

It just about time for the Second Annual Chess Kings Invitational and Scholarship Exhibition Tournament brought to you by none other than the Bay Area’s own Hip Hop Chess Federation! That’s quite a mouthful, but say it again cuz it’s worth it. With help from friends like the Wu Tang Clan, HHCF has given out more than $10,000 in scholarships, and they only started last year. Irina met with HHCF founder Adisa Banjoko at O’Connell high school in San Francisco where kids are already practicing their skills on the chess boards, getting ready for the February event. Adisa reminisces about his days in the Bay Area’s hip hop scene when he hung out with legends like….wait for it….Tupak Shakur. The boss of online chess site Chess Park promises to teach Irina to play and two high school students talk about their chess strategies. See you on the 64!

Episode links: Chesspark, WuChess, 9queens, Hip Hop Chess Federation

5 Responses to 'Hip Hop Chess Kids'

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  1. kc! said,

    on December 9th, 2008 at 2:45 pm

    Brilliant interview! Thank you!!

  2. LEGENDmag said,

    on December 9th, 2008 at 2:55 pm

    […] Entertainment just posted their most recent episode about the Hip Hop Chess Foundation. Being a person who was involved in the chess club in my younger years, and who has embraced the […]

  3. on January 19th, 2009 at 11:34 pm

    That’s quite a mouthful, but say it again cuz it’s worth it. With help from friends like the Wu Tang Clan, HHCF has given out more than $10,000 in scholarships, and they only started last year. Irina met with HHCF founder Adisa Banjoko at O’Connell high school in San Francisco ——————— nice one

  4. Beats said,

    on March 10th, 2009 at 11:24 pm

    Excellent review. They should push chess more in schools to help keep kids busy and to help develop their thinking abilities

  5. on April 29th, 2009 at 5:34 am

    beat hip hop rap…

    “I think I pioneered the use of the vocal samples in hip- hop. Think of the Average White Band for “Thinking of a Masterplan” and the James Brown one for “In Control of Things.” No one was really using samples or loops that had a voice in it until…