Yahoo Locks in Hackers for 24 Hours
Yahoo!, that benevolent purple and yellow Internet behemoth, opened her doors to hungry hackers of all stripes for 24 hours last weekend. The result was over 500 pizzas eaten, 100+ dozen Krispy Kremes demolished, untold gallons of Rockstar, RedBull and coffee liquified, one major rockstar played out and over 50 API mashup projects completed. Here’s a peak at a few of those projects.
Episode links: Yahoo Hack Day 2006, dotBen, Rabble, Monologr, Bjoern Hartmann, Color Field Camera, David Filo, Mo Kakwan – Blabber
on October 9th, 2006 at 9:06 am
on October 10th, 2006 at 5:13 pm
I appreciate this type of episode. The Segway polo, schwag, zombies, and Big Wheel races I group into technology set & local happenings respectively. The tech-y material like coding marathons, DNS optimization, Digg/snark/meme interviews, and stuff translated into “English 1.0” are just too hip (thoroughly enjoyable) to me.
on March 31st, 2007 at 2:41 pm
[…] I’d happily recommend the 10/6 and 10/3 episodes of Geek Entertainment TV in which they feature Yahoo! hack day and the Beck concert. […]