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LinuxWorld: 2006 Wrap-Up

Posted in GETV Episode by ekai on the August 28th, 2006

We’re still at the LinuxWorld Expo in San Francisco. What do virgins, big stacks, spam and burning man have in common? We’re not sure either but Irina asks the tough questions.

Episode links: LinuxWorld Expo, OpenDNS, Linux Format, Barracuda Networks, Open Planing Project, Plone, Burning Man, MadMax1, MadMax2, EFF

3 Responses to 'LinuxWorld: 2006 Wrap-Up'

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  1. Casey said,

    on August 29th, 2006 at 6:10 am

    I kinda skipped over those Ogg Theora messages on the videoblogging message board… now I’m curious what the hell it is! I’d better go catch up… I’ve been considering adding DivX to our list of downloads… the more formats the merrier!

  2. on August 29th, 2006 at 11:29 am

    […] And so it happened that I was watching the latest episode of Geek Entertainment TV on the train when Irina Slutsky (host of GETV) appeared on the screen interviewing Rob Miller of OpenPlans. I met Rob Miller myself 2 years ago at the Plone Conference in Vienna (see my photos of this event) and he actually is one of these three guys being active with Burning Man and Plone . And of course Burning Man is happening in Second Life, too (not sure though he knows that but I will certainly tell him). For that see Burning Life. […]

  3. shadowman said,

    on May 1st, 2007 at 6:21 am

    Hi! How r u?
    nice site!