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What is Steampunk?

Posted in GETV Episode by ekai on the September 21st, 2009

Travel with us back in time, back to Victorian days when men wore corsets, ladies wrote letters and the computers were steam-powered. What?? That’s right! Steampunk takes you back to a past that never was, and flies you in a dirigible to a future that will never be. What is steampunk? Take a look and find out!

Episode links: Steampunk [wikipedia], Steampunk Airmail Letter Project, Artist Suzanne Forbes, Maker Faire

Tactical Corsets for Her Stylish Protection

Posted in GETV Episode by ekai on the August 19th, 2009

The GETV crew ran into Utilikilt clad Alex Peake at Maker Faire because of a rumor that he was making Tactical Corsets! With beautiful model at the ready, Irina and Alex unzip the mysteries of this military grade corset. What’s a tactical corset you ask? Here’s how describes them:

Tactical Corsets are high-fashion, high-function clothes for empowered women! For too long, women have had to compromise practicality for beauty. Men got pants with cargo pockets and built-in knee pads, women got clothes whose only built-in feature was cuteness. But why should men get all the high-speed low-drag tactical toys? Tactical Corsets bring female operators MILSPEC features like MOLLE modular pouch attachment webbing and self-adjustable quick-release buckles in a load-bearing carrier designed to support the female form.

(Thanks to our guest editor, Wilfred Galila, who is hovering above the thin line between good and evil and in constant pursuit for the understanding of the human condition and man’s place in the cosmos.)

Episode links: Tactical Corsets, Alex Peake, Artist Suzanne Forbes, Cimmerians